Anxiety Treatment Services

Get help to release negative thinking,
underlying fears and emotional stress.


Anxiety-Disorders-bdd-body-dysmorphic-disorderBDD is an intense preoccupation with a perceived flaw in physical appearance which can lead to attempts to change it (plastic surgery) or cover it up, social avoidance, or depression and hopelessness. It is a subtype of OCD.

What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and what are the symptoms of BDD?

  1. Preoccupation with one or more perceived defects or flaws in physical appearance that are not observable or appear slight to others.

  2. At some point during the course of the disorder, the individual has performed repetitive behaviors (e.g. mirror checking, excessive grooming, skin picking, reassurance seeking) or mental acts like comparing their appearance with others in response to the appearance concerns.

  3. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupation or other important areas of functioning.

What are the causes of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?

There is no simple identifiable cause of BDD. However, BDD is more likely to affect someone who has first-degree relatives with OCD. It also has been associated with high rates of childhood neglect and abuse.

Dr. Donal Dufford Treats Patients with Anxiety and Depression in Soquel, Santa Cruz, and San Jose.


Call for information or appointment:
San Jose, CA: 408-559-9088
Soquel, CA: 831-479-1960

Credit Cards Accepted,
Insurance Billing Provided

Client Comments

… I feel much better now. Like coming out of a fog.

… Today I am a thousand times better. Dr. Dufford’s guidance has helped me become the joyful person I once was – again.

… I am sleeping better now, no panic , not worried, not afraid to travel. I am feeling normal.

… I went to four different therapists, then finally saw Dr. Dufford who was the first therapist to give me tools to really help the anxiety.

… I tolerated anxiety, panic and hopelessness for 15 years. I was in hell- now life is pretty good. I wish I had gotten help sooner.

Read more testimonials here